Are you struggling with the stressors of the pandemic? UofL Health has team member resources we encourage you to take advantage of to help with the emotional and mental toll you are experiencing now.
Check out some of the resources available to you:
Employee Assistance Program
UofL Health has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for your use. Call 877-890-0273 for confidential support or information any time, day or night. You may also visit
You can find more information about our EAP under Employee Benefits on the Benefits and Wellness page of our employee intranet. To login to the intranet, visit
Meditation Wednesday
Meditation Wednesday is back! Take a break and listen to a guided mediation or mindfulness session from your office or home. These mini-sessions occur every Wednesday from noon-12:20 p.m. via Zoom and are led by Nevia Greenwell, activity therapy manager at UofL Health – Peace Hospital. Nevia is a licensed professional art therapist with more than 20 years of experience in therapy and meditation practice.
What is meditation? Meditation is a technique such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a specific object, thought or activity. Meditation helps one achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgment.
Zoom information
- Link:
- Meeting ID: 940 3164 4693
- Dial-in: 646-558-8656
UofL Health Emotional Support and Resource Line
Are you dealing with feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness or depression related to work? We’re bringing back the UofL Health Emotional Support and Resource line, which is available for all UofL Health team members and providers from 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily.
One of UofL Health – Peace Hospital’s master’s prepared therapists will answer your call to provide emotional support through active listening and will help identify and connect you with resources.
Please call 502-861-5920 to speak with someone on the Emotional Support and Resource line.
Other resources
Coping with anxiety, depression and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic